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博彩网址大全医学院致力于多样性的重要性. 我们试图让博彩网址大全的医学生和研究生住院医师沉浸在培训中 为他们在多元文化的美国行医做好准备的氛围.

四个医学生站在一个坐在电脑前工作的同学后面. Students are smiling.

多元化、公平和包容办公室(ODEI)的使命是提高人们的意识, inspire action, and support equitable education and employment while cultivating a 博彩网址大全医学院的多元化和包容性文化. 


  • 加强多元化招聘和保留工作
  • 发展和提升内部人才
  • 创建并支持指导项目
  • 提供多元化教育和培训机会
  • 加强博彩网址大全医学院和圣路易医学院之间的合作. Louis community
  • 培养耶稣会的传统——变革的推动者,致力于实现一个更加公正、 humane world

欲了解更多信息,请联系多元化和包容办公室314-977-9904 or


多元化、公平和包容办公室 (ODEI) was established as a part of 制度改善计划. 多元化、公平和包容办公室 监督医学院促进医学院包容性的努力 community. Programs, events and initiatives are designed to raise awareness, inspire 行动起来,支持公平就业,培养多元包容的文化.


When matters of diversity, equity and inclusion are nurtured throughout the entire 制度,人人受益. 我们的健康是社会和医学的必然要求 护理系统,包括学术/培训环境,对人们来说是多样化和包容性的 from all backgrounds. There are many of us here at Saint Louis University’s School 努力确保每个社区的每个人都能获得高质量, 公平和安全的护理. To do that, we must work hard to eliminate health care disparities 这种情况仍然存在于太多不同种族、民族和文化的人群中 individuals. This goal can be achieved in part by recruiting and supporting a highly 合格和多样化的学生/实习生群体和劳动力. 我的办公室是来帮忙的 encourage a campus climate that lends itself to the aforementioned aspirations. 

我们的目标是为整个博彩网址大全医博彩网址大全 with a special focus on populations that have been identified as underrepresented in medicine. We do this by proactively championing the importance and value of a diverse 包容的校园氛围,并通过与机构利益相关者合作来评估 potential barriers to recruiting and retaining a diverse student/trainee body and workforce.

The work of diversity, equity, and inclusion will reach its full potential when it can be seen and felt at all levels of the institution; it must be a part of the fabric of the place. That takes all of us working together toward a common goal: diversity, equity and inclusion.

Together, we can!

Meet the Team 

The barriers that impact underrepresented populations are real. The solutions that mitigate those barriers must also be real, tangible and sustainable. As a medical community, we have a responsibility to proactively confront the barriers that have 与医疗保健差距有关. 解决方案的一部分是训练和 支持代表性不足的医疗保健提供者. 我的办公室的存在,在一定程度上是为了提供便利 the recruitment and successful matriculation of those who are underrepresented in medicine.

Katrina Wade, M.D.

Interim dean for the 多元化、公平和包容办公室

Katrina Wade, M.D., has served Saint Louis University for more than 24 years as an 急诊医师,教师和导师. 她是急救学教授 medicine in the Department of Surgery and an associate professor of pediatrics. She has trained countless students, residents, paramedics and firefighters. While working 作为主治医师,她还在健康资源中心做志愿者 为没有得到充分服务的St. Louis. 

Wade’s list of accomplishments is long and includes awards such as The John H. Gladney, M.D. Diversity Award, the Missouri College of Emergency Physicians R.R. Hannas Emergency 年度医生奖,杰出导师奖,以及 list continues. 

Wade is a passionate advocate and looks forward to furthering the DEI work in the School of Medicine. 

Michael T. Railey, M.D.


Michael Railey, M.D., is a native St. 他毕业于圣路易斯博彩网址大全. Louis College 他于1972年获得药学学士学位,并于1976年在该大学完成了医学院的培训 of Missouri. 

他的学术教学生涯始于圣. 路易斯家庭住院医师计划 在森林公园医院. He was the first family medicine clerkship director at Saint Louis University and has also been the chief medical officer for St. Louis County. 

莱利担任多样性和学生事务主任已有10年,并将继续担任 他在博彩网址大全医学院多元化、公平和包容办公室的工作 as a professor emeritus in the Department of Family and Community Medicine. He has written book chapters, magazine articles and journal publications in the areas of obesity, stress management without drugs, and health disparities in the St. Louis area. 他仍然致力于社区服务,目前正在参与合作 with the St. Louis Board of Education, the African American Aldermanic Health Foundation, 以及其他社区外展组织. 

W. Maurice Redden, M.D.
Dr. Redden


Maurice Redden, M.D., received his undergraduate degree in biology from Winston-Salem 北卡罗来纳州的州立大学. 然后他去了东部的布罗迪医学院 卡罗莱纳大学的医学学位. 医学院毕业后,他完成了学业 他在维克森林大学的成人精神病学实习医师. 最后,他搬到了圣. 去博彩网址大全进修老年精神病学.

他的职业生涯始于学术医学,现在是一名副教授 博彩网址大全医学院精神病学系,在那里他 也擅长老年精神病学.

他保持着热情和极大的热情来减少消极的心理健康 耻辱感和不平等,在所有患者群体中,尤其是老年少数群体.

Tim Murrell, Ed.D.
Headshot of Dr. Timothy Murrell

Program director, pipeline development and student engagement

Tim Murrell, Ed.D., is the program director for pipeline development and student engagement 他在博彩网址大全医学院工作. 在这个职位上,Murrell负责开发项目 通过建立和维护与各种历史的关系来增加我们的渠道 Black colleges and universities and Hispanic-servicing institutions. Murrell also focuses on developing relationships with local high schools to increase awareness 在医学领域和机会的不足代表在医学学生 explore. He supports current students, oversees our mentoring program, and provides 情感和学术支持.

Prior to joining Saint Louis University, Murrell served as the inaugural principal 托皮卡高级学习和职业中心以及托皮卡公立学校 District’s Coordinator for Career and Technical Education (CTE). 此外,他还工作 for several years as a teacher and administrator for the St. Louis Public Schools. 在他多年的工作中,穆雷尔与高等院校的合作伙伴合作过 提供学习机会,促进高中和大学的包容性 学生,以及工作人员. 莫雷尔拥有文科学士学位, a master’s degree in the administration of justice and human relations, a master's 毕业于博彩网址大全教育学院教育领导专业,获博士学位 在教育领导方面. A former U.S. 陆军宪兵队连长他 has taught criminal justice at the secondary and postsecondary levels.

Esmeralda Aharon
Esmeralda Aharon


Esmeralda Aharon是该组织的员工和社区参与项目主管 博彩网址大全学院多元化、公平和包容办公室 Medicine. In this role, she collaborates with hiring managers to attract and retain 未被充分代表的个人. She supports the 多元化、公平和包容办公室 通过为弱势群体开发和维护招聘渠道和保留计划 少数族裔,主要针对高级员工和管理人员. 此外,她还把 并将博彩网址大全SOM与St. 以减轻医疗保健差距. 她支持疫苗科学与政策研究所,并与相关机构进行磋商 感谢他们在多元化、公平和包容方面所做的努力. 最近,她领导了这项工作 that resulted in several English and Spanish webinars about COVID-19 vaccines.

Prior to joining 博彩网址大全, Aharon served as the director of plans and programs for the 伊利诺斯州斯科特空军基地空军机动司令部司令部随军牧师办公室. Aharon持有劳动力教育与发展文学学士学位和硕士学位 基础教育艺术教学. 她是一名受过嘉奖的退伍老兵 U.S. Air Force. Aharon is experienced in community outreach, religious accommodation, 恢复力训练. She collaborated with the Community Action Teams and Suicide 预防,帮助机构提供住宿,多样性,公平的项目, and inclusion for 136,000 employees in Air Mobility Command.

Valerie Lovelock


瓦莱丽·洛夫洛克(Valerie Lovelock)是副院长兼首席多元化官的执行助理 博彩网址大全医学院的教授. 在这个角色中,她负责计划和指导 多样性办公室的所有行政、财务和运营活动, Equity and Inclusion. She manages the department's diversity training program, supports 招聘和保留计划,并提供监督和指导 医学院的委员会. 此外,她与主任密切合作 为多元化办公室制定和实施新举措, Equity and Inclusion. 

Prior to joining our team, Lovelock devoted her time to her family, homeschooling 他们的三个孩子. 她还为她做过各种各样的志愿者 在教会担任儿童事工主任、教师、教会行政、 youth team, community engagement, and many other church-related projects. She serves 作为她家乡教会的教育主管. 洛夫洛克担任志愿者协调员 为博彩网址大全在老北街的虚拟访问网站. 并继续为社区服务 作为老北修复集团的董事会成员. 她在海军服役多年 local homeschool group board as their membership and programming leader. Before leaning into full-time homeschooling, she studied and worked at Barnes Jewish Hospital as 外科医生:一名注册的医生助理,负责手术后病人的护理和放血 technician. She is a full-time student pursuing her master’s degree in organizational leadership. She lives in St. 路易斯城和她对这个社区的热情是显而易见的 通过她在过去25年的奉献精神,与她一起为社区服务 husband and children. 

Breanna Wright


Breanna Wright is an administrative assistant for the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. As an administrative assistant, she supports the team's general office 效率,支持项目主管,协助办公室运行的项目, 并为各委员会提供指导. 在这个角色中,她领导着创作 营销项目,对画布页面和多元化办公室网站的概述, Equity and Inclusion.    

在加入团队之前,她就读于林登伍德大学,并在那里获得了她的学位 基础教育学士学位. 毕业后,她教三年级 for one year in St. 查尔斯学区. 在教书的同时,她还担任过许多职务 致力于改善学校的委员会. 赖特积极参加各种志愿者活动 她在教会社区的角色,包括青年队,儿童事工和创意 arts. She is thrilled to be involved in the bettering of DEI at Saint Louis University School of Medicine.